Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
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Thinking of

SohoPhoto Gallery
United States, NY 10013 New York, 15 White Street

von 07.12.2016 bis 31.12.2016
Eröffnung: 06.12.2016 18:00


Hans Weiss, Vienna Thinking of “Twelve intimate portraits – not taken face-to-face, but from behind - show family members, friends and acquaintances in very special and sometimes life-changing moments: My stepdaughter´s first day at high school in a foreign country, my 95-year-old mother after she had fallen in love, a woman ten years after she had been told that her daughter had committed suicide, my father-in-law on the day he had started undergoing cancer therapy, etc.” Hans Weiss is a European based photographer and writer. His fiction and nonfiction books are translated into 20 languages. He received his photographic education at the International Center of Photography in New York in 1994/95. In 1997/98 and in 2010/2011 he attended the „Friedl Kubelka Schule für künstlerische Photographie“ in Vienna. His photographic work has been exhibited in New York, Paris, Venice, Vienna and Salzburg - for example his New York series “Success” at the “Museum der Moderne” in Salzburg (2012) or „Apocalypse“ at „Deutsches Haus New York“ (2015).