Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
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Yasumasa Morimura: My Life Through A Looking-Glass

Künstler | Yasumasa Morimura

Reflex New Art Gallery
Niederlande, 1017RX Amsterdam, Weteringschans 83
+31 20 42 35 423, www.reflex-art.nl

von 27.10.2007 bis 15.12.2007
Eröffnung: 27.10.2007 18:00


"Reflex Art Gallery in Amsterdam presents an exclusive look at the polaroids and working methods of a leading Japanese master.

The work of Yasumasa Morimura exists in a theatrical world between photography and performance. The artist purposely leaps across cultures and eras, overriding issues of gender and race, casting himself in a wide variety of roles. He imitates Madonna, Michael Jackson and other icons of American pop culture as well as slipping into the skin of a stereotypical Japanese matron obsessed with Chanel and Louis Vuitton. His cultural cross-dressing includes the pomp and lushness of the surrealist paintings of Frida Kahlo, and captures the nuances of the nameless heroines in Cindy Sherman's photographs."