Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
D / E

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Termin - Detailansicht


egger roseneder contemporary
Österreich, 1030 Wien, Dianagasse 6

von 23.10.2015 bis 12.11.2015
Eröffnung: 22.10.2015 18:30


The exhibition will present various aspects, ideas, approaches about fortress: video, installation, performance, photography, object, painting, sound installation. Political statements (migration, terrorism); „Paradise“ and the meaning of it can change quickly in a fortress; the skin is the first line of defense, a physical barrier; the fortress of a person/individual through the face; creating a block of concrete which includes another work; communication with the work is based on the presence of a wall in human consciousness; another translation of fortress, it is "forza" or "potenza", words related to the human qualities; limitation and concentration during the realization of an artwork. Works from the exhibition will be presented at the UAMO 2016 festival in Munich together with works from 10 other organizations/cities: Amsterdam, Athen, Berlin, California, Dinslaken/Ruhrgebiet, Vienna, Sofia, Prag, Mexico City, Zürich.