Lapsus: Open call for photographic & video works
Einsendeschluss: 11.03.2013
(english version only)
Lapsus is an open call for photographic and video works, curated by the Italian art critic Marinella Paderni, and is organised by Fondazione Studio Marangoni and Celeste Network.
Lapsus reflects on the ways in which works of art are created, especially in relation to new media, photography and video, which allow artists ever more technical and virtual perfection, at the risk of losing authenticity and uniqueness.
15 projects will be chosen by the selection panel which includes Martin Breindl, Elena Ceratti and Silvio Wolf. At the exhibition opening on 17 May 2013 the curator of Lapsus, Marinella Paderni, will choose the three winning projects and award € 2,000 prizes.
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