Discovery Award
Einsendeschluss: 17.04.2015
(English version only)
The theme of this year’s open call will be “Relational spaces (culture as a tool of transformation)“. The submitted works must reflect, engage, or discuss this central main idea from any perspective. Relational spaces here are widely understood as spaces where any (affective, labor, temporary, etc.) relationship between humans and between humans and their environment (architectural, geographical, cultural, natural, etc.) arises.
The submitted works can be a première or can have been exhibited publicly before.The recommended running time for the work is of 10 minutes or less.Each author may submit up to 2 works. Both may be selected for the online video channel, but only one can be selected as a finalist for the exhibition.
A unique prize will be awarded: LOOP Discovery Award, chosen by a jury of experts. The awarded work will take part in future projects by LOOP, such as screenings in international fairs and festivals, itinerant exhibitions and other curated projects.The prize is worth 5,000 € to the winner.
For further information visit: