FotoFest Biennial 2022. PARTICIPATING SPACES
Einsendeschluss: 28.01.2022
(English only)
FotoFest is pleased to announce open registration for the FotoFest Biennial 2022 Participating Spaces program!
The FotoFest Biennial has continued to grow in relation to both its international visibility, engagement, and attendance numbers. Despite our early closure, the FotoFest Biennial 2020 welcomed over 5,000 people from 32 countries, and, through FotoFest's programming efforts combined with the support of over 100 independent participating venues and art spaces across the city, highlighted the work of over 925 contemporary artists."The Biennial became a platform for artistic and intellectual exchange between Houston’s dynamic art world and the hundreds of curators, artists, and scholars that visited.
As always, Participating Spaces are welcome to show photography or lens-based work related to any theme or idea they like. Participating Spaces exhibitions do not have to follow the FotoFest theme to participate. That said, should you choose to participate, we welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how your program can be conceptually aligned with the festival’s overarching curatorial thematics.
For further information go to: