Beate Sirota Gordon Award 2023
Einsendeschluss: 22.01.2023
The Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo invites artists to submit their proposals for a new artistic or cultural project in Japan. The Beate Sirota Gordon Award consists of € 7.000,- as prize money in order to fund the proposed project, which will be presented at the Austrial Cultural Forum Tokyo in 2023.
The Beate Sirota Gordon Award is directed at Austrian or Austria-based artists that can provide a distinctive voice, honoring the legacy of Austria-born Beate Sirota Gordon, who helped draft the Japanese constitution, granting more rights to women.
Artists are invited to submit projects relating to gender equality, women's rights and gender expression, thus providing new perspective and outlooks on these topics. The project will have to be connected to Japan and can be executed in any artistic medium.
More information can be found here.