CALLS FOR PAPERS & PROJECTS 2023 Membrana Vol. 8 No. 2 - War
Einsendeschluss: 22.06.2023
[English version only]
The upcoming issue of Membrana journal (Vol 8 No 2) provides space for critical reflection on the
role of visualization technologies (photography, video, animation, 3D modeling, data visualization,
and cinema) in mediating and constructing contemporary but also past wars and their
representations. Authors are also invited to reflect on the shifting nature of visual evidence and its
uses in the operational structures of war, mainstream media, social networks, art projects,
investigative journalism, and vernacular activism (OSINT media, citizen-witness media). Membrana
(Vol 8 No 2) provides a platform for engaging with (but not limited to) the following topics:
- War, aesthetics, and visual representation
- Shifting paradigms: from the violence of the image to images of violence
- Visual evidence and/in armed conflict
- War and visual propaganda
- Spectatorship and violence
- Data visualization and visual modeling
- Algorithmization of visibility
- Operational and/or automated image systems in warfare
- Open-source intelligence (OSNIT)
- War interfaces, decision-making process, evidence
- Armed conflicts and image-based activism
- Vernacular (civilian and soldier) visual witnessing of war
- Icons, memes, and social media representations of war
- Collateral Damage: images of refugees, veterans, camps, and ruins
- Unending war: documenting long wars and military-industrial complexes
- The hegemony of the Western hemisphere in global news distribution and its consequences
in creating news
The deadline for contribution proposals (150-word abstracts and/or visuals) is June 22, 2023.