Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
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EIKON at viennacontemporary
EIKON at viennacontemporary
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Ona B. - The Death in the Studio

Edition - EIKON The Death in the Studio

40 x 50 cm, 2007/2009
numbered and signed
Edition: 25 + II

Price: € 627,00 (incl. 10% VAT)

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"Ona B. has separated herself with her art from mere signatures of artistry: for her, virtuosity is a broadly conceived notion, in all its multiple media aspects. The artworks that emerge can rarely be separated from the person who conceives and executes them in reality. Modern art has made this  inseparableness as authenticity into an unavoidable myth. The individuation of the artist, a term from the writing of C.G. Jung, can be found in the works of Ona B." (Peter Bogner in EIKON #66, S.32)

Read more about the artist and her projects in EIKON Ona B. - Red Animal


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