Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
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EIKON Schaufenster: Elisabeth Grübl. Studio #
EIKON Schaufenster: Elisabeth Grübl. Studio #
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Lorenz Estermann - superreal

Edition - EIKON superreal

unique copy
mixed media on carbon print
40 x 50 cm, 2009
Paper: Hahnemühle, 188 g
numbered and signed
Edition: 10 + II

Price: € 759,00 (incl. 10% VAT)

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"The collage-like style of Lorenz Estermann's paper works is reminiscent of Franz West’s collages. But in contrast to West, Estermann, who has been recognized in the Austrian art world since the 1990s for his abstract compositions, remains clearly present in all these interventions. For example, he covers areas in a background landscape with a surface of paint, adding apparently random elements, words like “packet,” “perkal,” “please,” or “reef”—often then the titles of the works—whose typography oscillates between self-painted signs and graffiti." (Dieter Buchhart in EIKON #68, S. 20)

Read more about the artist and his projects in the detailed illustrated article in EIKON #68/2009, S. 20-25.


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