Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
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Eva Schlegel - o.T.

Edition - EIKON o.T.

lambda print
49 x 64 cm, 2010
numbered and signed
Edition: 20 + V

Price: € 980,00 (incl. 10% VAT)

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"Engaging with the material and its opposite, the ephemeral, is fundamental to the art of Eva Schlegel, and represents an important starting point for her works. Experimentation with contrary states (presence/absence, focused/unfocused, outside/inside, statis/movement) leads the beholder to a certain perception and can sometimes lead to puzzle, when, as in her cloud pictures, the ephemeral (the cloud) was materialized in the photograph, but again hidden and dematerialized by various transformation techniques." (Bettina M. Busse in EIKON #70, S. 38)

Read more about the artist and her projects in the detailed illustrated articles in EIKON #70/2010, S. 38-45, EIKON #47/2004, S. 14-17, EIKON #39-40/2002, S. 51-69, EIKON #4/1992, S. 50-55 and EIKON Fisch & Fleisch.



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