Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
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EIKON Schaufenster: Michael Part
EIKON Schaufenster: Michael Part
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Stéphane Couturier - Brasilia - Superquadras #12

Edition - EIKON Brasilia - Superquadras #12

from the series "Melting Point"
50 x 50 cm, 2007-2010/2012
numbered and signed
Edition: 30

Price: € 946,00 (incl. 10% VAT)

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"His images make architecture seem habitable only after considerable
adaptation; and contra the new photographic aspirations for immersive
compositions, they also leave viewers without the usual habitus: we are left to wonder about a world in which so much dazzles without offering shelter or even clear entry. His emphasis on surface is a residue of modernism, but it also offers a critique of how little in our current repurposing of both cities and their new outcroppings allow us to occupy with any sort of grace or settled claim to place." (Sally Stein in EIKON #77, S. 29).

Read more about the artist and his projects in the detailed illustrated article in EIKON #77/2012, S. 24-29.


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