Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
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25 years of EIKON: be part of “5 x 5. Photo Tracks”
25 years of EIKON: be part of “5 x 5. Photo Tracks”
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Walter Niedermayr - Hintertuxergletscher 55

Edition - EIKON Hintertuxergletscher 55

Diptych, pigment prints, 2012/2013
each 33 x 43 cm
Installation Measurements: 68 x 43 cm
numbered and signed
Edition: 25 + V

Price: € 1.760,00 (incl. 10% VAT)

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"At the same time, rather than trying to upturn values, Niedermayr
questions the process of representation and the capacities of our perception by making us again feel the geological power of the mountains which goes beyond us. His works do not directly assert a criticism of consumption and the future of the Alps, they make us feel it implicitly through an atmospheric quality. The breaks that become visible as a result of the serial quality prevent perception of a fixed image so that we are more able to feel the on-going process. As a consequence, and because in our encounter with the work we are not assured of being contemplative subjects, we can perceive the tipping point where land becomes landscape as a tension between (at least) two ways of being." (Catherine Grout in EIKON #83, S. 19)

Read more about the artist and his projects in the detailed illustrated articles in EIKON #83/2013, S. 12-19 and EIKON Walter Niedermayr.




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