Annabelle Fürstenau - Ornithogalum dubium
Fine Art Print on Hahnemühle Paper, 2012/2014
from the series "Blüten/Blätter"
30 x 30 cm
numbered and signed
Edition: 20 + II
Price: € 275,00 (incl. 10% VAT)
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"Annabelle Fürstenau’s Blüten/Blätter includes not a single word, and yet from a distance they could be mistaken for text images, for their composition follows the line for line arrangement that is typical of book or manuscript pages. Even from closer up, the individual signs can be interpreted as a text/language unknown to us with different typographical variations. Her inflorescences that can be interpreted as such point along the standard way of the word to nature, albeit without a single word." (Lucas Gehrmann in EIKON #82, S.12 ff.)
Read more about the artist and her projects in the detailed illustrated article in EIKON #82/2013, S.12-17.
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