Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
D / E

Call for Submissions — Emerging Artists Publication Series

Einsendeschluss: 10.08.2013

(english version only)

Printed Matter calls for sub­mis­sions for a new Emerging Artists Publication Series. Five selec­ted artists will work with the sup­port of Prin­ted Mat­ter and a ded­ic­ated designer to real­ize indi­vidual projects.

Books will be pub­lished in a loose seri­al­ized format and share a com­mon dimen­sion, spine and colo­phon, but the con­tent will oth­er­wise be left to the artist. This Emer­ging Artists Pub­lic­a­tion Series is made pos­sible by the sup­port of the Jerome Foundation, and is open to indi­vidu­als with a legal address in the five bor­oughs of New York City.

Sub­mis­sions are open to emer­ging artists whose prac­tice has demon­strated a com­mit­ment to exper­i­ment­a­tion within the artists‹ book medium in unusual and excit­ing ways.


For further information go to: http://artzines.de/