Europol Art Photo Competition
Einsendeschluss: 22.11.2013
Europol is proud to announce the launch of its first Art Photo Competition – a competition devoted to examples of photographic art. Participants are encouraged to submit photographs created specifically for this competition, portraying the theme of: It started with a thought. A thought…
...about establishing a European Union...
...about creating a European Police Office to bring freedom and security for citizens...
...about bringing together a plethora of police knowledge from across the European Union...
...of an artwork made for Europol...
...that triggers an artist to capture a moment, a scene, expressing their perceptions and emotions, based on Europol’s activities to achieve a safer Europe for all citizens.
Entries are welcome from professional and experienced amateur photographers. The Jury, consisting of the Europol Art Committee and an independent curator from The Hague Museum of Photography, will award four photographers with prizes of EUR 2000 each.
The winning photographs will be displayed in Europol’s public area and may also be displayed in a public lounge area of The Hague Museum of Photography. Other outstanding entries will be selected for use in Europol’s publications and other communication products.
For full details on how to participate, please visit: