Crusade Engagement Grant
Einsendeschluss: 17.04.2015
(English version only)
The Crusade Engagement Grant provides funding to develop and implement an innovative and effective way to connect audiences to photography.
We are looking for projects that focus on creating demand for photography and provide a concrete plan to create one-to-one connections between the photographer, the viewer, and the audience.
In the initial application, photographers/project organizers must submit a description (500 words or less) of their project idea and a $25 application fee.Five to ten finalists will be invited to submit a full application. The full application will require applicants to include a detailed project description, timeline, budget, projected audience reach and expected impact of the program. There is no additional application fee for finalist applications.
A selection committee made up of three photographic industry leaders will select the grant award recipient based on the proposed project’s creativity, originality and probability for success as well as the applicant’s credibility and references.
For further information visit: crusadeforart.org