Prix Elysée 2016
Einsendeschluss: 26.02.2016
(english only)
The Musée de l’Elysée and Parmigiani Fleurier have just announced the upcoming launch of the second edition of the Prix Elysée. The call for applications will take place from 4 January to 26 February 2016.
There is no overall theme to the Prix Elysée, but it will emphasise the link between photography and print, with two publications being produced as part of the prize. Firstly, each nominee will be invited to introduce a project in a book published and distributed as part of the prize. They will each be given free rein to make use of 10 pages. Secondly, the winner will have the opportunity to publish a book of his or her project. The nominees’ and the winner’s books will be printed by one of the Sandoz Family Foundation printing companies.
For more information and the official prize rules: