Backlight Photo Festival 2017
Einsendeschluss: 05.06.2016
Backlight continues focusing on current social themes and phenomenons and for the upcoming event they have chosen the theme Independence. They´re looking for courageous approaches from both individual, collective and common experiences and challenges around the subject and its definitions. The works selected will be presented at the Backlight Photo Festival starting in September 2017, when the event celebrates its 30 years of existence!
In addition to the Backlight Photo Festival 2017 exhibitions in Finland, Backlight will also organize a touring exhibition/exhibition series in Europe during the year 2017. This tour - Independence Through the Lenses (working title) - is part of the programme for the centenary of Finland´s independence in 2017. These exhibitions will consist of works by Finnish artists and artists based in Finland. The locations and dates for these exhibitions will be announced later as they have confirmed the details with the hosting institutions and partners.
Backlight is also very pleased to inform Finnish artists about the special Majaoja Prize. The Majaoja Foundation gives out the special Majaoja Prize during the Backlight Photo Festival 2017, under the events theme Independence. Three Finnish photographers from amongst the applicants of the open call for Backlight ´17 will be awarded with the total sum of 18.000 euros (10.000€/5.000€/3.000€/each). The open call jury for the Backlight Photo Festival 2017 will select the photographers for the awards by the end of 2016. The announcement of the winners will be made by the Majaoja Foundation during the Backlight Photo Festival 2017.