International Photography Award
Einsendeschluss: 24.07.2016
After the powerful celebration of its 25th edition of the Festival ENCONTROS DA IMAGEM returns with an intense program, proposing a reflection on Happiness, in today's societies.
Memory, Change and Revelations, are among the themes of this edition, which help us to know the multiple paths of happiness, under the teaser: "A Place in the sun".
The International Photography Award Emergentes dst is an initiative of dst group, organized by ENCONTROS DA IMAGEM, with a prize money of 7,500€.
Encontros da Imagem and dst group present a unique opportunity for artists from all over the world, aiming to highlight talented photgraphic projects and, at the same time, gather international specialists from the photographic field. The International Photography Award Emergentes dst will be awarded after the Portfolio Review, which shall give photographers the opportunity to show their work to commissioners, gallery owners and expert editors, thus establishing solid foundations for the promotion of their work.