Artist-in-Residence Programme "Passage"
Einsendeschluss: 30.08.2021
(English version only)
For the first two residencies of the Artist-in-Residence programme "Passage" in 2021, the Kultur- und Kunstverein Kemberg e.V. is looking forward to receiving applications from national and international artists from the fields of photography and moving image. The Residency programme will be held in the Dübener Heide, an area geographically located north of Leipzig, south of Berlin. The period for the two residencies is November 2021.
Under the theme “Status Landscape”, the residencies are intended to enable an examination of the current situation of landscape and environment using the example of the Dübener Heide. We encourage applications from artists who would like to explore new themes and the region of the Dübener Heide through a temporary residency and additionally try out familiar or unusual working methods in a site specific way.
Applications must be submitted informally by email to info[at]passageair.org by 30.08.2021. Required details for the application are:
● first and last name
● a valid email address
● a pdf (max 15 MB). The pdf should contain information about the applicant's artistic work. This includes a CV and meaningful samples of work.
The funding comprises:
- the arrangement and assumption of the costs for accommodation for the artists in the Dübener Heide for the duration of the stay in November 2021
- the assumption of travel costs for arrival and departure up to a maximum of 300,00 EUR in total for each artist
- a one time grant of 1000,00 EUR each artist
More information: Passage