Open Call - Theorist. C/O Berlin Talent Award 2023
Einsendeschluss: 28.04.2023
The Open Call for the C/O Berlin Talent Award 2023 in the category Theorist starts on April 1, 2023.
The C/O Berlin Talent Award ist awarded anually in the disciplines of artistic photography (Artist) and photo-theoretical writing (Theorist) and is endowed with prize money of totally EUR 10.000 (to be shared between both positions). C/O Berlin produces a solo exhibition with the award-winning artist and a publication with Spector Books to accompany it.
The task of the theorist is to write an essay on the selected artwork and to conduct an interview with the artist, both of which will appear in the book. The winning project of the C/O Berlin Talent Award 2023 in the Artist category (procedure already completed) can be located in the field of artistic research and visual archives and deals with the themes of anthropology and sociality as well as the relationship between human and nature.
Texts dealing with current photography in a broader context and thematically related to the winning project in German or English can be submitted from April 1 - 28 2023 via online form.
More information here.