1/2/8 research forum Spot on Governance
Einsendeschluss: 28.09.2023
english version only
Spot on Governance focuses on social regulations as a condition and interface of political and sustainable visions of the future.
When it comes to access to resources and representation, or forms of self-organization, data sovereignty, collaboration, monopolization, and participation, a realignment of structures, processes, and practices is required everywhere.
From December 4–17, 2023, 1/2/8 invites contributors to locate to PACT’s studios, foyer, and stages to create a temporary “research community” based on the interaction of different fields of knowledge.
They invite multiple teams/working constellations to initiate new projects or continue their ongoing ones and to share and further develop their ideas, practices, questions, and designs transdisciplinarily with other academics, artists, practitioners, and activists.
At Spot on Governance, they welcome research projects from all areas of the sciences, knowledge domains and origins, the arts and cultural work, activism, social work, care practices, journalism, and technology.
A 1/2/8 residency incorporates the following
–Studio space (from 69 to 173 square meters)
–Local accommodation
–Weekly grant allowance of 500 EUR for all of the 1/2/8 residency project participants (max. 4 people per group)
–Travel costs (subject to prior agreement)*
–Joint encounters, talks and presentations (at short notice and subject to agreement)
The research residency comprises work and research phases, various exchange formats, and studio visits. It is also framed by a public program featuring lectures, workshops, and artistic interventions.
How to apply
Applications can be submitted online.
Closing date: September 28, 2023
Find more information under: www.pact-zollverein