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EIKON #123

EIKON #123

Artists | Sabine Groschup | Mario Kiesenhofer | Julia Niemann | Martha Rosler | Leonie Seibold | Philip Wiegard |

Thomas Ballhausen | David Bate | Pia Draskovits | Nela Eggenberger | Anna Fliri | Johanna Hofleitner | Christian Höller | Ruth Horak | Annekathrin Kohout | Nikolaus Kratzer | Peter Kunitzky | Katharina Manojlovic | Günther Moschig | Simon Mraz | Margit Neuhold | Veronika Rudorfer | Nina Schedlmayer | Walter Seidl | Frederike Sperling | Sabine Winkler

Languages | German / English
Dimensions | 280 x 210 mm
ISBN | 978-3-904083-16-4
96 pages

Price: € 18,00 (incl. 10% VAT)

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New EIKON Specialized Library


  Martha Rosler | Pia Draskovits
  Philip Wiegard
| Annekathrin Kohout
  Sabine Groschup
| Günther Moschig
  Mario Kiesenhofer
| Katharina Manojlovic
  Julia Niemann & Leonie Seibold | Nina Schedlmayer

IN FOCUS: Visual Protest in Times of War

On the Courageous Adherence to the Present | Simon Mraz


Günther & Loredana Selichar. 325 Fotogramm | Ruth Horak


  Ester Vonplon | Anna Fliri


  Julius Pristauz | Frederike Sperling


 Branched: The Tree in Photography | Nikolaus Kratzer


Crossing Lines. Politics of Images | Sabine Winkler
The Photography Centre, Victoria and Albert Museum | David Bate
VALIE EXPORT. Retrospective | Walter Seidl
Duette Duelle | Johanna Hofleitner
Alice Springs. Retrospective | Peter Kunitzky
/imagine. A Journey into The New Virtual | Christian Höller

DATES (German only)

with Kathrin Schönegg


Jim Goldberg. Coming and Going

PUBLICATIONS (German only)

Mathias Denecke. Informationsströme in digitalen Kulturen | Thomas Ballhausen
Michaela Moscouw. Anwesend Abwesend | Nela Eggenberger
Bindi Vora. Mountain of Salt | Veronika Rudorfer
Julia Gaisbacher. My Dreamhouse is Not a House | Margit Neuhold


Since the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine on February 24, the eyes of the world have been focused—rightly, of course—primarily on the victims of the war, i.e., on the countless Ukrainians who were suddenly confronted with a completely changed living situation and were forced to flee or to persevere under the most adverse conditions. In solidarity with Ukraine, several countries that were able to provide the necessary funds have made special efforts to establish support for artists, including Austria with the project “Office Ukraine—Shelter for Ukrainian Artists,” which serves as a contact point for artists from the attacked country and provides a platform for their art.

On the other hand, dissident artists from Russia and Belarus, the “perpetrator countries” fomenting this war, find themselves in a doubly difficult situation: Despite their open protest against the authoritarian systems of their countries, they are unwelcome in the West because of their origins. And in their home countries, they feel less safe than ever because of their political views. Basically, their situation is similar to that of stateless persons, except that at least no one is really interested in the latter, a state of insignificance that quite a few Russians and Belarusians would be more than happy to experience.

It is thanks to the commitment of Simon Mraz, a long-time observer of the Russian cultural region and author of this issue’s In Focus, “Visual Protest in Times of War,” that, despite the otherwise rather uniform media coverage, journalistic space is now being given to an internal view of the situation with the contributions of Lesia Pcholka and Alyona Malkowskaya.

Nela Eggenberger
for EIKON, September 2023

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