Artists | Norbert Brunner | Michael Huey | Angelika Krinzinger | Hofstetter Kurt | Corinne L. Rusch | Dietrich Wegner |
Authors | Robert Ayers | Rosemarie Burgstaller | Monika Faber | Arno Gisinger | Gabriele Hofer | Herbert Justnik | Naoko Kaltschmidt | Olga Kronsteiner | Peter Kunitzky | Petra Noll | Gerald Piffl | Claudia Marion Stemberger | Alice Schmatzberger | Angela Stief | Wolf Guenter Thiel | Markus Weckesser | Peter Weiermair | Claudia Weinzierl | Andrea Winklbauer | Elisabeth M. Gottfried | Florian Halm | Amrei Thaler | Elisabeth Greinecker | Ágota Vincze | Cornelia Gasch
Languages | german / english
Format | 210 x 280 mm
ISBN | 978-3-902250-42-1
96 pages
Price: € 14,00 (incl. 10% VAT)
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Artist Pages
Elisabeth M. Gottfried
und seine mehrdeutigen Überzeugungen
Robert Ayers
Vermählungspunkte mit dem Leben
Claudia Weinzierl
Fotografie und Terror
Angela Stief
Parallelitäten und Kreisläufe
Wolf Guenther Thiel
Die Haut der Dinge
Peter Weiermair
Nachrichten, die uns noch erreichen
Peter Weiermair
Student Page
Studienrichtung Konservierung-Restaurierung
Gabriela Krist
Olga Kronsteiner
At its very foundation, photography was intended to provide an image of life; time and light play the main roles in both. Our current existence often lacks too much of both. Time is subject to the demands of professional and social life, it is a rarity and a collector’s item. Violence and terror veritably switch off the light when day in, day out we receive the news of attacks and bombings that cause death and destruction for so many families.
For issue 64, we have chosen a selection of artists that reflect on
these factors, both life threatening and crucial to life, in their works
in the most various ways. For example, HOFSTETTER KURT is
interested in phenomena of parallelism and circularity; he works
with time and light when he projects monitor eyes on a Vienna train
station together with their blinking time or in a world-encompassing
project observes the light of the sun from twelve time zones, uniting
it in one place to constitute a single day.
MICHAEL HUEY is concerned with the concept of the estate and inheritance, visual memory and its multiple paths. His photographs are like news that reaches us from the past and are kept as poetry in time.
ANGELIKA KRINZINGER presents shots of bodies, human as well as vegetable, and gently challenges the beholder to take a moment to have a closer look. From her photographs, from these details, the variety of physical and intellectual nature develops.
DIETRICH WEGNER is fascinated by contradictions: a young
American artist, he is politically committed. All this is reflected in
his works: it could be what seems like a children’s tree-house, or a
mushroom cloud, but each time he invites us to see the world laughing,
even if it cries.
CORINNE L. RUSCH represents terror with her stagings, thus bringing time’s unpredictability to expression. She discovers images that unite different dimensions of time, and thus questions power and powerlessness. With the constant dissection and analysis of systems,
NORBERT BRUNNER provokes a strengthened experience of reality, subjective sensation and recognition of the things of the world. In his multilayered works, he challenges us to new vision, to reflect on habits of
vision and to take on unusual perspectives.
In the Student Pages of Vienna’s Universität für angewandete
Künste, the pages that EIKON dedicates in each edition to Austria’s
students, you can become acquainted with special works that have
something to do with photography as well as with the modeling
of reality. In the exhibition section, you can read about the visual
memory constructions of someone like Irene Andessner or Isa Rosenberger, the interfaith prayer rooms of Andreas Duscha or the Silent
Wishes of Nobuyoshi Araki, you can also “Go NYC.”
For EIKON, the motto this year is again Go Miami: from December
3–7 you can find us for the second time at PULSE Miami, where
we are presenting the latest work and at the same time, the first
miniature in the EIKON series of editions: the work Great by Norbert
Brunner was created in cooperation with Swarowski, already giving an
impression of a bit of sparkle (read more on page 16).
This sparkle can be found at the right time at the loveliest time of
the year just before Christmas in the EIKON showcase, where we can
present or last exhibition of this eventful year with work by Norbert
Dear readers, we wish you an enjoyable end of the year, and are
pleased that you again took the time for EIKON. We’d like to wish
you all the time in the world until the next issue: EIKON #65 arrives
in February 2009.
Elisabeth M. Gottfried and the team at EIKON