Milunovic, Mihael
Edition EIKON
Mihael Milunovic,
50 x 40 cm, 1999/2005
numbered and signed
Edition: 30 + V
Price: sold out
EIKON publications
#51 (September 2005)
Languages | german / english
Format | 210 x 280 cm
ISBN | 3-902250-20-8
78 pages
1995-96 | absolvierte die Akademie des Beaux-Arts in Paris |
1992- 1995 | Studium an der Belgrader Kunstakademie, die er mit Diplom abgeschlossen hat |
1967 | geboren in Belgrad, Serbien/Montenegro |
Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)
2014 | "The place where I used to stand", Gallery Srbija – Gallery for Contemporary Art, Niš |
2013 | "L’Ombre du Réel", Galerie Crous, Paris |
2011 | "Heart of Africa", Voice Gallery, Marrakech |
2010 | "Mihael Milunovic: Accumulate", Fundació Vall Palou, Lleida |
2009 | "Any Atom of Fear", Gallery Poulsen, Kopenhagen, Dänemark "Mothership", 9bis, Saint – Etienne, Frankreich "Any Atom of Fear", AirBase MQ, Wien |
2008 | "Submit To", Galeria Changing Role, Naples, Italien "Hollow Charge/Charge Creuse", Galerie Georges Verney Carron, Lyon, Frankreich |
2007 | "Bounds, Project Room", Galerie Guy Bærtschi, Genf, Schweiz "Uncomfortable Realities", Galerie Piece Unique, Paris, Frankreich |
2006 | "Memory" (With Leo Polhuis, J.F. Langhnas and Dusan Skala Gallery Langhans, Prag, Tschechien |
2005 | MIHAEL MILUNOVIC (mit ERIK BINDER und RENATA POLJAK), Hilger contemporary, Wien |
2004 | "Under Che", Art Space O3one, Belgrad, Serbien und Montenegro "Sacred Weapon", Galerie La Serre, Ecole Superieure des Beaux-Arts et de Design, St. Etienne, Frankreich |
2003 | "Notebooks", Centre Culturel Français, Belgrad, Serbien und Montenegro "SAMPLE, photographies, flags and lightboxes", Gallery Zvono, Belgrad, Serbien und Montenegro "Balkan Matrix", with Stevan Vukovic, Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester, UK |
2002 | Drawings, photographies and paintings, Centre Culturel Yougoslave, Paris, Frankreich |
1999 | Project for the installation "Veritas", Venedig, Italien |
1998 | "SALE" exhibition of objects, Gallery 12+, Belgrade,Serbia and Montenegr "Shaman" and "Reliquaries", Gallery of C.C, Nis, Serbia and Montenegro Gallery Nikki Diana Marquardt, Paris, "Géopeinture II" paintings, installations and objects |
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)
2012 | "Untouchable Matters", Anni Molnar Galeria, Budapest "Expo Collecitve", Galerie Guy Baertschi, Geneva "Underrealism", Galerie Eric Mircher, Paris |
2011 | "Exposition Collective", Galerie Georges Verney-Carron, Lyon |
2010 | "Fake !", Stedelijk Museum Aalst, Aalst "Central Europe Revisited III", Schloss Esterházy, Eisenstadt "20 Years Already!!", Galerie Guy Bärtschi, Geneva |
2008 | "Mediation Biennale 08", Mediation Biennale, Posen "Hello Summer", Gallery poulsen Contemporary Fine Arts, Copenhagen |
Preise & Stipendien (Auswahl)
1997 | Prix Fondation P. A. Renoir |
1994 | 18th Nade˛da Petrović Memorial Award |
Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Österreich Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Palazzo Forti, Verona, Italien Muzej Savremene Umetnosti Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegrop Moët Chandon, Epernay, Frankreich einige private Sammlungen |
Exhibitions / Dates
Mihael Milunovic - Charge creuse / Hollow charge (Lyon)
von 31.01.2008 bis 29.03.2008
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